They are spent wisely doing what we love to do with the people we love.
I spent my looooong weekend in Cebu.
I spent mine mostly with family because I havent seen my grandmother in sooo long.
And because I miss them and they missed us. haha

And a little wining and dining with the barkada (what's left of us anyways) at Anzani. I love you guys.

Whenever I go home to Cebu, I always make sure to EAT all my cebu favorites
-- no matter how short my visit, I always siksik every favorite meal I can.
This long weekend was no different :) I had...

lechon - puso "hanging rice" - bulalo
(This is best eaten with your hands. I am a pure bred filipina and i love my filipino food - proud of it. *pats her ABelly)
Don Merto's belgian chocolate cookies - La Marea's Warm Brownie Cup
Save the other Cebu goodies for the next visit.
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