What is with all my bellus nonsense?
BELLUS is latin for charming, pretty, beautiful.
When I was younger and loved playing video games (before the internet, i wasted my time on resident evil, legend of mana, even crash bandicoot) and at the start of every game I get asked for a player name, for lack of a nickname (yes, my real name is one-syllable, but I can assure you my personality is not) and to appear more 'mature' and 'deep' I relied on latin dictionaries to come up with a more interesting name.
Fast forward to 2011 when medschool started a sort-of regression in my maturity and I started to play WOW (uhuh, world of warcraft), again, the annoying question "player name?". For fear of judgement (and belittling) from my male friends, I chose the name that sounded most MASCULINE, but its meaning fit the feminine me. and tada Bellus! :)