Your game-changer.
And all that time, that other doesn't know you feel that way or worse, he/she does, but still chooses someone else – anyone else but you.
To tell you the truth, I’m not sure I have any right to write about this – this crazy, stupid feeling. I’ve had my share of grand gestures and declarations of love – but in the receiving end. So I may know what kilig, flattered, and appreciated may feel like, but not that heart-wrenching-stomach-in-knots-blood-pumping exhilarating feeling of putting your heart on the line.
So it was an absolutely enjoyable surprise that I loved this movie.
It was as idealistic as any other feel-good-chick-flick in that love, or the hint of love, prevails in the end.
BUT the emotional rollercoaster that the characters go through before the happy-ending was a delight to go through, the witty lines got me giggling at the start and letting out hearty laughter later on (it helped that we were the only ones in the cinema since it's a weekday), the casting seemed off at the start but was actually so appropriate that their chemistry got me teary-eyed (okay, I’ll admit, ONE tear fell! ;p) and in love with them. Lastly, the twists of the story was hilarious for the audience and appropriate for illustrating the craziness, stupidity, and awesomeness in love.
It was a welcome recharge before immersing myself in matters of the heart – well, the blood (but what is the heart for really but to pump this awesome thing called blood to sustain life? Its definitely NOT for love, ask any med student).
It's nice to be reminded that life is more than just cancer, diseases, and the cellular body, that life can be about crazyness, stupidity and feelings - but still JUST AS IMPORTANT. Life. Love. Med. Funny.
This is crazy.
This is stupid.
This is love and MED.
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