Monday, August 1, 2011

Ignatian Holiday

Revived. Recharged. Renewed. Enlightened. Happy...
I can’t quite find the right word to use for what I felt during the St. Ignatius Mass last friday in the ASMPH.
(to celebrate the feast of St. Ignatius, the reason for no classes today btw!)
While I probably can’t effectively translate my feelings into words, permit me to try.

If not for your reading pleasure, at least for myself. So that whenever I feel another need for revival/recharging/renewing/enlightening/happiness, I can read this entry and remember. Oh! That might be the right word. Remember.

We all grow up with some form of religion chosen for us – one that our parents follow, and by convention, taught to us. As children, we diligently follow with the belief that we’ll burn in hell (or get karma, or become a cockroach) if we stray from the path. By college, we start to develop some degree of critical thinking (yes dooodes, you should be somewhat more mature now), and start to question everything we’ve been taught.

For most, they shrug it off. For others they continue to wonder – they either find their answer in a new spirituality; find the answer to be loosing their spirituality, or if you are at all like me, still wondering.

This lead me to theology – faith seeking understanding.

And I find solace, answers and purpose in the Ignatian tradition of self-reflection.
You seek the universal truths by first knowing yourself and then knowing your context, look at the world with a those inquisitive eyes.
I had originally thought that it was wrong to ask questions about my faith. That you should just trust what the church says, that you should just accept your religion. But the Jesuits, specifically the beloved (and feared) Fr. Dacanay during confession when I cried to him because I had sinned because I was asking questions, taught me “It’s okay to ask questions. Asking questions means you are starting to think.”

And when you are starting to think, your religion becomes a spirituality.

So basically, it is in the Ignatian spirituality that I find my answers, and more questions as I continue to mature in my humanity.
An instance of this lesson/answer-finding with the Ignatian spirituality is taken from the homily during the St. Ignatius mass last Friday. The priest talked to the officers of the different student organizations and student council. He talked about St. Ignatius’ life in Rome (which I want to read about soon enough).
More importantly, he gave out this advice: To always remember the 3Ds that Ignatian Spirituality is based on in dealing effectively with our fellow men; (the following definitions are my own insight or understanding of it)

to know how to speak, listen, and communicate with others.
to always be fired up by our passions and desire to be magis, because the motivation that comes from our hearts are the strongest influences.
to do what we do, with the other in mind – to serve someone other than ourselves is true happiness.

I know. I know. Long entry AGAIN. Still working on the whole 'less words, more meaning' plan.

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