Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sundays are Music Days 11

Let me share my musical promiscuity on Sundays. 
Sundays are music days.

When I was younger, I loved being right all the time.
When I got older -- more realistic, more cynical, more aware of the harsh realities of the world --
being right meant getting hurt in some way or another.

Nobody really sets out to do things to hurt other people (atleast I hope so)
but the thing is, people still do get hurt.
Mostly because we are people, and as such capable of feelings that we cant seem to control.

I didnt want to be a downer for this post,
but this is supposed to be a real lifestyle blog,
so I can't help but reflect my life into it right?
And I can't help it if im compiling it at 3 in the morning --
when your mind is not at its right place and thus you think more with your emotions
 than with your mind. (which i normally disagree with btw!)

Anyways, lets get on with the music.
Let them speak for me instead.
And let me assure you dear reader, (and future joanie), this is just a bump in the road,
it gets better. it always does. :)

What are these lists? Concept (and first list) is explained here.
My previous sunday lists: 2 , 3 , 45,  6.
 7, 8, 9, 10
Same rules, no judgments, no genre, no limits, just music I tune the world out to. :)

1. This song is such a raw song. When I heard it, it made me both smile and cozy. Later on it broke my heart, but at the same time it made me fall in love -- its like a crazy song when you think about it. haha But it has this awesome feel to it. The video isn't bad either, it translate the weirdness but beauty of the song. It's such a rainy weather song too -- which is what's been happening lately. Thunderstorms suck! :(
"One moment I have you; the next you are gone."
Crave You by Flight Facilities

2. When I hear this song, I feel like something was realized, something was concluded, something was resolved.
I always thought it was good to be right smack in the middle because it meant I wouldn't have to pick a side, I wouldn't have to be a part of the drama. What happens instead is that you are thrust into it, because you are made aware of all the secrets that they all keep -- the key to someone's happiness means someone else's heart breaking. 
I love the ciello at the start though, its the perfect contemplative start.
"I'm sick of all the insincere, so I'm gonna give all my secrets away."
Secrets by One Republic

3. I couldn't find a youtube video of this song. :( But thats how badly I wanted to add it to this song list that I looked for an audio track of it online. Let's hope it works, because I assure you its a worth it song to listen to.
Honestly, there really is nothing that you CAN'T get over -- but it'll take a little patience and a little help.
"..maybe one day we'll look back and think 'That was a crazy few days'."
Stay Strong by Steve Appleton 
Click Here for the song

4. I did not look for this song, but it was an instant upper. It gets you moving and thinking at the same time. haha
When I study, I tend to dance too haha -- don't be surprised! Try it, it'll wake you up and instant exercise!
BTW I don't like original version of this song, just LMFAO's remix for Party Rock Album.
"I don't need the heartbreak."
Release Me by Agnes (feat LMFAO)

5. A friend chose this song for one of our dances for an upcoming performance and when I first hear it, 
it was love-at-first-play! I love the feel of this song, its uber romantic (and thats not something i often say!)
It makes you want to believe in the kind of love that you believed in when you were younger -- the type that has no thinking involved; the type we all hope for. :)
Perfect ending to this sunday's playlist -- because its hopeful, not sad and depressing as I had started.
If there's anything that I got from all this, it's to believe in love, the kind that isn't hassle or hurtful, the kind that'll make you smile, the kind that your friends and family will appreciate, the kind that doesn't involve getting anyone hurt, the kind that brings out the best in all people involved. Don't settle for anything less. Everyone deserves to be happy.
"I believe in fairytales and serendipitous encounters."
"Leave your fear of love behind. Let your dreaming be your guide."
Dreamer by Elizaveta

I apologize if my song list is a little heavy on the words this week.
Med does something to you, it forces you to deal with emotions in a one-time-big-time manner
to make way for academics and other 'more important' issues.
So my release is this list and my music.
Toodleloo, have to go back to studying now.


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