And i was ecstatic to see that some of my friends have put up their own lists.
I love it because it exposes me to other people's musical taste and my musical promiscuity is satisfied. :)
If you want to check them out, here are their site's
Mae-ann's Mixtape Monday
Ricky's Soundtrack of August
And other friends that have music blogs that I enjoy
Cara's I can't whistle
Pam's Chase the Stars
Sara's Sarsagonsaur (incidentally the original music sunday inspirator)
Raleene's blog and youtube channel and Rizza's youtube channel
Their band-duo Walkietalkie

And *squeal* a real band that I am a fan of actually followed my blog which exposed me to their
musical tumblog of artists that inspire their music; Balance and the Traveling Sounds.
Some people have asked me for a copy of my complete playlist - which is super flattering but at the same time difficult since my music takes up a majority of my laptop memory and continues to grow. Also, I recommend showing your support for your fave artists and for the music industry by actually buying their music (musicians need to eat too y'know hahaha).
But if for some reason you want the music RIGHT NOW, the internet is a wonderful place.
But if for some reason you dont like music videos, or just want audio, here are a few music sites:
So there ya go. Enjoy your music! :)
(And this'll help me to remember the links coz im such a forgetful foofoo.)
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