Thursday, March 8, 2012

Coping Mechanisms

Most people don’t understand why I started writing a blog. And to tell you honestly, I can’t fully explain it either. At one point its because I wanted to share my thoughts, at another point its because I wanted to contribute to the world in some way, at another point its because I want to talk to future joanie about past joanie’s present experiences. But in general, I realize, it’s just some place to talk. A place where I can pretend to tell someone – anyone who chooses to listen/read what I have to say – thoughts that have been so strong in my head that they just had to be put into writing, to be remembered, to be heard, or to just be.

I’ve never been the quiet kind of person, I like maximizing my experiences and in so doing, I love talking about them with others, but I realized lately that this world that we live in, its always so busy and fast-paced, everyone is always in need of something somewhere, that its hard to find people who will truly listen.

Most of the time, people will hear what they want to hear, or hear what you said but convert it into something else entirely in their heads. And honestly, you can’t blame them for it. That’s exactly how man is supposed to live – through their own understanding, they shouldn’t pretend to be anything else but who they are.

I guess, I don’t really know what I’m saying anymore. It’s just one of those days that you really just need someone to talk to, but because you make no sense, and there’s no time to hassle anyone else with your nonsense, you put it into writing and release it for the big world of the internet to read.

No, I’m not being “emo” (if I even really knew what that means), but I am releasing a few emotions – its healthy, it's a coping mechanism, its not going to hurt anyone. 

If anything, coping mechanisms should bring out the best in you at your worst times.

So again, the world may tear you up, but never lose sight of the blessings all around you.

Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
1st place medgroove, 2nd place medrythmia, 1st place NIH Research Forum Video, 
1st place “Katwiran” Interscholastic Medical Debate, 2nd place “Brainstorm” Inter-Med Quiz Bee.

It's amazing to be affirmed I chose the right school.


1 comment:

  1. 'its hard to find people who will truly listen.'

    True, but here's a little secret, just follow the silence :)


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