Sunday, August 23, 2015

Catching Up: Post-Boards

Thank you. So much. 

What started out as a random bunch of people studying together became so much more. Thank you for being my source of strength, my inspiration, my lifeline for joy and sanity the past few months. The daily grind didn't feel as bad knowing I'd step into the school/plasti/lib/hallways and see you there pouring everything you got into this - it made me want it even more. :) 

I'm scared. I'm so scared - not because I don't believe but because I believe so much. Haha and sometimes God's plan is not necessarily what we had originally planned for ourselves. But I can honestly say now that regardless of results and the chaos that will ensue in a few days time, it already feels like I gained so much in the process of becoming because of all of you. I can't tell you enough how proud I am of each one of you as a witness of how well you fought for this - not just in how well you studied, but in how well you've handled yourself, go beyond your personal let-downs, take care of each other and our beloved PUGAD, and never lost that spirituality or centeredness to why we do what we do. In the hours between 7AM-12MN (for most days at least), I saw what being #one2015 was really about with you - and no exam can take that away from us. :)

If any doubt crosses your mind in the next couple of days, let me be the first to tell you now that you've done what you could and it's time to let Go(d) do His. :) I'll pray for peace and strength for all of us. I'll pray that fear and doubt won't cover the moments leading up to this, and that numbers, percentages or even licenses won't define the doctors we've become and hinder the doctors we dare to dream to be. :) 

I'm going to miss the daily grind. I'm going to miss all of you. Haha The end of the boards season means going back to our individual realities, realizing that the world did not stop spinning without us and that we have so much to catch up on - in taking care of ourselves, in being an Ate, being a daughter, in our relationships, in current affairs, in books (or movies), and whatever else we were into before all this. So before you get busy in the catching up, I just really wanna be able to congratulate you doc - you did amazing! :)